Although I have not done many changes to the items that are available for download here, with the move to this new server, I have revamped the front end to this area of my site, hope you enjoy
The Necromunda roster has been revamped a little, and now sports no password protection and an additional sheet to create a custom list of your gangs weapons
Many of the rosters that I have for download require one or more of three different fonts, these are:
- This is the only roster here that I have
not designed. I cannot recall where it came from and if this is your
work, then please let me know so that I may attribute it to you (Zip -
A roster for Gorkamorka (Zip - 102Kb) (Requires the Civic
- A
roster for the wonderful game of Mordheim (Zip - 74Kb) (Requires
the Caslon font)
- Probably the most used roster out of all the ones I've
created or found. Due to demand there are now two versions of this one
optimised for A4 paper and one
optimised for Letter sized
paper. Additionally, the rosters no longer are protected with a
password (though they are protected) (Zip - 23Kb) (Requires
Architect font family)
- A generic roster designed for Warhammer (Zip -
46Kb) (Requires the Caslon font)
- An alternative Warhammer
roster for use with a Dwarven army. I've replaced the Cavalry and
Chariots sections with more Troops and the Magic spells section with
more War Machines :)
Please note that the design of the above rosters are copyright
of the designer and the Game Systems and logos Copyright Games Workshop.
Please do not distribute them through any media (for profit or
otherwise). If you wish to link to these rosters then please point your
link at:
I apologise at this harsh action, but these rosters are the culmination
of many hours work and have been developed since 1999 and quite
understandibly I don't want to have them ripped off!